
2013년 5월 20일 월요일

Sokcho The House Hostel

For Seoraksan National Park Tourists,

here is a good hostel.

The house hostel 


When I went to Sokcho, I stayed at here for 2nights.
Usually I don't like to give information about something like this, but I feel like I have to introduce this place cuz I had great time here.

Here are reasons why you should know this place.

1. Easy to find.
2. Clean and affordable price
3. The owner can speak English (also very kind)
4. You can rent a bike for free (then you can explore Sokcho easily.)
5. convenient facilities 
(Internet, Kitchen, DVD(:P) )

you can drink beer or talk about your day with friends at night here.

* Map is on the web page.

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